I start, inhaling a deep breath and letting it out,
"I am truly delighted to be with you this evening, representing my motherland
India in today's ESMO oncology conference".
"I am Samaira Deshmukh, a surgical oncologist". I introduce myself with a formal smile that I have practiced over years of giving speeches.
I take a look around the vast conference room. Around 400 delegates from various countries are seated here, in Madrid, Spain. For discussing various techniques and advancements in the medical field, to treat cancer.
"There's no doubt that cancer is deadly. It is the second most common cause of death in the world after heart disease", I say.
"Even detected earlier, the cure is difficult..................
I continue for another 10 minutes explaining how India has been adopting innovative methods in treatment of various kinds of cancers.
"Let me conclude my speech by sharing the inspiring words of Martin Luther King Jr,
"If you can't fly, then run.
If you can't run, then walk.
If you can't walk, then crawl.
but by all means, keep moving."
"In the fight against cancer, we must keep moving against all odds with perseverance and hope", I conclude the speech and room erupts with loud noise of applause.

I take a respectful bow,thanking the audience with a smile and get down from the dias, to meet my secretary- turned -bestfriend, Elena giving me a proud smile still clapping.
"You rocked the stage girl", she beamed
engulfing me in a bear hug as soon as I reached our assigned seat, among other dignitaries.
I laughed at her enthusiasm, hugging her back. We sat for another two hours
listening to other countries representatives. Many senior doctors and professionals congratulated me on my oratory skills.
"Your dad is on the line", Lena gave her cell to me while walking towards our room.
"Hlo dad", I greeted him.
"Hey, my princess. You were awesome
today, I'm so proud of you my girl", his delightful voice reached me.
"Oh! dad, stop lying,........I heard a distant voice of my brother Hrishikesh
"Is my big bro jealous of me, dad?", I asked him smiling slightly at my brother's antics.
"You guys will never grow up", I heard grandpa's exasperated voice.
I heard voices from the other side as everyone in my family were fighting for their turn to speak with me.
I let out a contented laugh. Well.....that is my family for you. The happiest place I call a home.
I lost my mom at a very young age, but dad never remarried. My granny and grandpa were everything for Rishi and I, while growing up, as dad used to be busy with building an empire of business.
Though they showered us with lots of love, I missed my mom. A lot.
But I always remembered the values she taught me while I was a child.
While seeing dad suffering alone, with her loss, somehow I developed a strong hating towards love, relationships and marriage.
So here I am, 29 year old, practicing surgical oncologist, owning a chain of hospitals across India, yet single.
As I was walking still in my deep thoughts, I collided with a hard body, which made me to snap out of my thoughts; only to realize there was still argument going on the other side of the call.
"I'm sorry", I apologized to the person with whom I collided just now with
an absent-mind without taking a look at him and moved towards our suit, still holding Lena's phone to my ear.
"Dad, we are taking an early flight tomorrow afternoon, as I have a meeting with hospital chief here in the morning", I informed him.
"Ah, it's alright!, we will be waiting for you", he replied and passed the phone call to others who congratulated me.
Lena unlocked the digital door and we went inside. I lounged on the nearby couch, removing my heels and leaned my head against it, letting out a sigh.
"Finally!! the day is over", Lena perched out beside me sighing relieved.
"Yes, only for you. I have to attend the post-event dinner in two hours", I sighed confirming the time in my watch.
"Yeah, you have to. I'm tired from all the planning, I will just rest now",
saying that Lena got up moving towards her room.
"By the way, Jason will be attending the same dinner, be careful", she warned me with troubled gaze.
"Oh, don't worry. He knows his place; if not , I'm more than happy to show him", I said dismissing her concern with a careless wave of my hand.
"That didn't stop him from being an asshole before", she retorted challenging.
Jason Williams is a sole heir of dad's rival company.A big manwhore and a spoiled-brat, who doesn't leave any stone unturned to show his disgusting and vile behavior.
"Are you underestimating me, Ella?". I asked raising my eyebrows at her.
"Oh!! that's what I'm worried here.
Please don't create an unwanted scene there, as you know, many high profile people will be present with whom we are collaborating", she sighed pinching her nose.
"I will try", I winked at her playfully and went towards my room to take a quick nap before gearing up for the event at night.
"I'm serious". she groaned, irritation clear in her tone.
I arrived at the venue, wearing my red simple dress which hugged my features and was modest to the event, with a simple silver bracelet to complete my look.

Many medical educationalists, scientists, professionals, researchers and also business personnels were present at the party.
Some people relaxing and exchanging their knowledge, while others striking deals and establishing networks.
After greeting and meeting with important persons, I moved towards the drinks counter.
"Can I get a blueberry lemonade please", I asked the man behind the counter tapping my fingers on it.
"Give me a minute, mam", he smiled politely nodding at me.
After few minutes I sat there, sipping on my drinks until a creepy voice disturbed me.
"Look, what a sexy-piece we have here", he said in his usual flirty tone.
Jason fucking Williams
My grip tightened on the glass, trying hard to conceal my pissed mood.
But the narcissistic bastard had the other plans.
"Is this seat taken", he continued not affected by my ignorance.
"No, but this one will be if you sit there", I said pointing mine.
"And secondly", I continued, glaring at him, "never call a woman names", I said gritting my teeth, remembering how he referred to me as a piece.
"Ah, fiesty. I like you this way better Sam", he said scanning my body from head to toe, lapping his dried lips.
Foot-licker, I muttered under my breath disgusted by his behavior.
"Do you want to dance with me?", he asked smugly, directing his hand towards me.
"Do I look like someone who seems to be interested in rich assholes without brains?", I retorted smirking, as I knew I hit the bastards nerve.
It worked. He balled his extended hand
into a fist taking it back. His face losing color.
Take it, you blockheaded jerk-face.
He regained himself quickly, a dangerous glint forming in his eyes.
He smiled at me wickedly, getting up from his seat.
"We will see that, Samaira". He said in a menacing tone and walked away from me.
There was something - off about his behavior today. I thought to myself.
My head started to spin lightly as I finished my drink. Thinking it as an exhaustion from a hectic day, I stood up from my seat and walked towards the food counter.
After almost fifteen minutes, I finished eating and started to walk towards restroom, still feeling dizzy.
The hallway was empty. As I took few steps my body began to sway, my mind hazy.
I got hold of the wall and leaned against it, trying to take long breaths.
My body began getting hot and sweat formed on my face.
I tried to take few sloppy steps towards the rest room but I stumbled and my eyes got closed themselves.
I remembered someone getting hold of me, as my body slacked on them before darkness engulfed my senses.
Hlo,dear readers,pls do read,vote and comment,if u liked the chapter.
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